


论题: Approaching Short Story: Four Perspectives in Conversation  

时间: 2018年4月9日(星期一)下午13:30-16:00

地点: 外国语学院212会议室





马歇尔•布朗(Marshall Brown),美国华盛顿大学教授、Modern Language Quarterly (A&HCI)主编

彼得•豪依杜(Péter Hajdu),匈牙利科学院研究员,Neohelicon (A&HCI)主编




嘉宾简介:Marshall Brown is a professor of comparative literature at University of Washington. He has written five books on European literature of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, with special emphasis on the intersection of form with literary and cultural history. As editor since 1991 of Modern Language Quarterly: A Journal of Literary History, he has promoted new directions in the study of literary history. He also works on music and literature; his latest book is a collection of previously published and new studies entitled ‘The Tooth that Nibbles at the Soul’: Essays on Music and Poetry. Two future books under way are How Do Poems Think? and The Romance of Real Life: On the Form of Nineteenth-Century Fiction.  Prof. Brown has also edited the Romanticism volume of the Cambridge History of Literary Criticism and the European Romanticism section of the Longman Anthology of World Literature and has translated (with Jane K. Brown) The Linguistics of Lying and Other Essays by Harald Weinrich. He has served on numerous editorial boards and MLA division executive committees and has held fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, the Deutsche Forschungsmeinschaft, and the Rockefeller Foundation.


Péter Hajdu is academic advisor at the Institute for Literary Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and editor-in-chief of Neohelicon, a major international journal on comparative literature studies. Member of advisory boards of two international journals on literary studies (Proudy, Czech Redpublic; Frontiers of Narrative Studies, De Gruyter). He did extended research in the fields of comparative literature, theory of literature, and classical philology. From 2002 to 2009 he was a member of the ICLA's Research Committee for East- and South-East Europe, between 2002 and 2012 he was the secretary of its Hungarian National Committee, 2008-2014 he was member of the standing research committee for literary theory, and 2010-16 member of the ICLA Executive Council. He lectured at various universities in Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, PR China, and Japan. He has published 6 books and more than 100 papers.


Shang Biwu is a Changjiang Distinguished Youth Scholar of English at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, and editor-in-chief of the journal Frontiers of Narrative Studies, De Gruyter. An author of In Pursuit of Narrative Dynamics (2011), Contemporary Western Narratology: Postclassical Perspectives (2013) and Unnatural Narrative across Borders: Transnational and Comparative Perspectives (2018), he has published extensively in the fields of narrative theory, ethical literary criticism, and contemporary fiction. In addition to numerous articles published in Chinese, his writings were published or are forthcoming in such international journals as Comparative Literature Studies, Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, Semiotica, Neohelicon, Journal of Literary Semantics, and arcadia: International Journal of Literary Culture.


Yang Gexin is a professor of English at College of Foreign Languages, Huazhong Agricultural University, associate editor-in-chief of the journal Forum for World Literature Studies, and director of the journal Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature. His interests in scholarship include ethical literary criticism and contemporary American fiction. An author of American Ethical Criticism: A Survey (2016), Prof. Yang has published more than thirty papers in journals such as Style, and Foreign Literature Studies, etc.

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