



时间: 2016年10月31日上午8.30 -11.00

地点: 上海交通大学外国语学院214
报告人:Dr. Monika Bednarek (悉尼大学 ), Dr. Helen Caple(新南威尔士大学)
联系人:郇昌鹏博士,上海交通大学外国语学院 马丁适用语言学研究中心

主讲人:Dr. Monika Bednarek
题目: Principles for Applying Appraisal Theory
摘要: Considering the existing literature on Appraisal (see Appraisal bibliography athttp://www.monikabednarek.com/10.html), most current research seems to focus on reporting the results of single studies applying Appraisal theory to a particular dataset. With some exceptions, publications that focus on methodological issues are glaringly absent. Those exceptions are predominantly concerned with issues such as double-coding, rather than with a set of principles for ‘doing’ Appraisal research. This paper is aimed at addressing this gap and stimulating more debate on methodological issues, serving also as a reminder of key research principles for linguistic analysis. Issues to be discussed may include transparency, consistency, delicacy, inductive vs. deductive research, quantitative vs. qualitative perspectives, and triangulation. I approach this topic from the perspective of my own background as an empirically-oriented corpus-based discourse analyst. I will suggest a number of methodological issues that researchers applying Appraisal theory should consider and will also outline some possible solutions.

主讲人:Dr. Helel Caple
题目: Doing Discursive News Values Analysis: A Case Study of Facebook News Media Posts
摘要: In this talk I report on the findings of a case study investigating the discursive construction of news values in the photographs used in the Facebook posts of various news media organisations. The study is one of several case studies that are reported on in the forthcoming research monograph The Discourse of News Values (Bednarek & Caple 2017). I will discuss what we mean by discursive news values analysis, or DNVA, and what one can expect to find by doing DNVA. I will also introduce a topology that we have developed to help us to situate our research more transparently both in terms of the mono/multimodal approach being applied, and in terms of the unit of analysis being investigated. For the case study under discussion in this seminar, the focus remains on the images used in Facebook posts, and the news values that are constructed in them. Since the total number of images analysed for this case study is large, 1100 images, I will also talk about how I managed the analysis of a data set of this size, and the advantages of using a relational database for such analyses. Additional materials on DNVA can also be accessed at our DNVA website: www.newsvaluesanalysis.com

Dr. Monika Bednarek 和 Dr. Helen Caple分别是澳大利亚悉尼大学和新南威尔士大学的高级讲师
Monika研究兴趣主要是基于语料库的新闻话语分析、评价性语言。她的三本专著 Evaluation in Media Discourse (2006)、Emotion Talk across Corpora(2008)、News Discourse (2012,与Helen合著)对基于语料库的评价语言研究、新闻话语分析有极大贡献。Monika 和 Helen 即将在Oxford University Press出版The Discourse of News Values将是学界首次系统地从话语分析角度阐释新闻价值的专著。
Helen 研究兴趣是新闻话语中的多模态资源,尤其关注新闻话语中语言文字和图片如何协同产生意义。她的专著Photojournalism : A Social Semiotic Approach(2013),以及她和Monika一起在新闻价值研究方面颇有建树,在整个学界独树一帜。

Copyright: 2013 School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiaotong University cross ICP No. 2010919

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