
慕尼黑大学Raoul Eshelman教授讲座通知


慕尼黑大学Raoul Eshelman教授讲座通知

主讲人:Prof. Raoul Eshelman

时间:9月28日 15:50-17:20



主讲人简介:Raoul Eshelman是慕尼黑大学比较文学和日耳曼语言文学系教授,是比较文学荣誉项目负责人,任多个国际文学期刊的编委。 他独创的“表演主义”理论在欧洲学界引起了很大的反响,被称为“最杰出的后现代以后文艺理论实践”。





Performatism, or the Development of Culture after the End of Postmodernism

Postmodernism is usually thought of aa set of artistic and critical practices that stress irony, metatextual play, discursively determined subjectivity, simulation, and skepticism towards “grand narratives” regarding religion, scientific progress, and political utopianism. These practices, which arose in the West in the 1960s and dominated culture there for many years, began to fade noticeably in the late 1990s. In their place we increasingly find aesthetic strategies that shut out irony, portray autonomously acting heroes and heroines, focus on unity, closure, and transcendence, and performatively force us to believe using aesthetic means. In a certain sense, works in the new epoch make us believe things we otherwise would not (whereas postmodernism robs us of all illusions about things that we would normally believe in firmly).  All in all, this means that a certain basic optimism is returning to culture. This optimism enables the renewal of positive ethical agency and suggests
  the limited possibility of transcending the state of things as they are. Using examples taken from literature, film, architecture and art, I will give a brief overview of this new epoch, which I call “performatism,” and I will also touch briefly on competing models of postpostmodernism.

Copyright: 2013 School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiaotong University cross ICP No. 2010919

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