
国际学术英语研究专家Dr. Margaret Cargill讲座通知


国际学术英语研究专家Dr. Margaret Cargill讲座通知

  报告题目:Beyond ESP: English for Research Publication Purposes (ERPP) and Chinese science in the 21st century
  报告人:Dr. Margaret Cargill  (University of Adelaide, Australia)


  报告提要:In the context of increasing pressure to publish research findings in English, this talk will focus on the successful development of an integrated, collaborative method for teaching research publication skills to  scientists. The method integrates the teaching of high-level English language learning skills, including corpus linguistics approaches, with a writing process based on the outcomes of genre analysis and a deep appreciation of the priorities of the target discourse community obtained by working closely with scientists. Originally developed for scientists in workplaces such as the institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the method has recently been adapted for use in Chinese university contexts, an outcome of a 4-year action research project at the University of CAS in Beijing. It will be argued that this teaching approach has the potential to strengthen the ability of research students using English as an additional language to present the novelty and significance of their work in ways valued by international publications, enhancing citations and thus research impact.

  报告人简介:Margaret Cargill MEd(TESOL), DEd is an applied linguist currently working as a consultant in publication skills development and researcher education in Australia and internationally, especially in China since 2001. Her research and teaching centre on innovative collaborative methods for helping scientists from all language backgrounds develop high-level skills for communicating their research findings effectively in the international arena. She has published widely in journals and edited volumes and is co-author of Writing scientific research articles: Strategy and steps (2013, Wiley-Blackwell). http://www.adelaide.edu.au/directory/margaret.cargill 

Copyright: 2013 School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiaotong University cross ICP No. 2010919

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