



讲座题目:A New Army of Transnational Writers:

Redefining the Ever-Expanding Anglophone Literature

主讲人: Dr. Aiping Zhang
         English Department
         California State University, Chico

讲座题目:Outgoing of Chinese Classics: Problems and Strategies

主讲人: Professor Zhenwu Zhu
         Shanghai Normal University

时间:     6月29日(周三)下午1:30-3:30
地点:   上海交通大学外国语学院杨咏曼楼214会议室
联系人: 杨丽

A New Army of Transnational Writers:
Redefining the Ever-Expanding Anglophone Literature
The Anglophone literature today seems to have outgrown the traditional Postcolonial and Commonwealth peripheries and have now become inclusive enough to cover all literature written in English outside America. But such a definition still demands a clear recognition of national, cultural, and geographical boundaries in literary renditions. Popular writers of Anglophone literature are expected to identify various cultural interstices so essential to their personal and national transformations. On the one hand, writings by Kazuo Ishiguro, Salmon Rushdie and others are consistently marked by the presence of an inseparable past and the construction of a “floating world”1 that is associated with at least two nations, cultures, and literary traditions. On the other hand, writings by Chinua Achebe, Derek Alton Walcott, and V.S. Naipaul attempt to address a series of challenges facing the formerly colonized nations: “the paradoxical bonds between colonizer and colonized; the rite of passage and the disillusionment involved in the journey to the colonizing centre(s); the associated traumas of achieving independence; the angst of separation from ancestral homelands; the potentiality and divisiveness that co-exist in all plural societies; and, more latterly, the role of women in both patriarchal and post-feminist societies”2. 

In recent years, however, as Rebecca L. Walkowitz put it well, “Books are no longer imagined to exist in a single literary system but may exist, now and in the future, in several literary systems, through various and uneven practices of world circulation.” In Walkowitz’s view, “Anglophone works of immigrant fiction are not always produced in an Anglophone country; some immigrant fictions produced in an Anglophone country are not originally Anglophone.” A new army of transnational writers has not only emerged, but also matured in Anglophone literature. Their work seems to have reiterated Homi K. Bhabha’s view on the location of culture and destabilized the nation- and language-based conceptions of literary systems. Many writers, including a few distinguished award winners like David Peace, Timothy Mo, and George Lamming, have been living in one country, but writing about people and life in another. Peace, a British author, moved to Turkey in 1991 and then Japan, and he did not return to England until 2009; Mo, a Chinese-British author, was shortlisted for the Booker Award three times, but all his major novels are set in East Asian countries, where he roamed around for the last ten years; Lamming, a Barbadous/Caribbean-British novelist, played an instrumental role in promoting the modern Caribbean novel while living mostly in London. They have been widely recognized as an innegligible group of writers in contemporary Anglophone literature.  

In a similar fashion, some Chinese immigrant writers in America, such as Ha Jin, Anchee Min, and Yiyun Li, who have not been clearly identified either as Anglophone or Asian American writers, have garnered sensational acclaims from mainstream reviewers with a series of award-winning works. They all write in their non-native language, English, but unlike Frank Chin, Amy Tan, or Gish Jen, they have chosen to focus their writings predominantly on various historical, political, cultural, social, and economic changes within their native country, China, rather than the immigrant experience in America. So far, they haven’t shown any keen interest in obtaining a spot in the prestigious ranks of Asian American writers after surviving the initial marginalization, but their stories and novels have generated an ever-growing readership in America and, gradually, in other Anglophone countries for a prism of literature based on trans-national, multi-cultural, border-crossing adventures, and history-making transformations associated with China – its long history, fascinating culture, unpredictable politics, and growing prosperity. Should they be regarded as Anglophone writers? This paper intends to offer a positive answer to this question by providing a comparative study of the use of language (English as a second language), the hybridity of narrative schemes (Chinese and American/Western), and the targeted audience (America) in the major works of Ha Jin, Anchee Min, and Yiyun Li.  

1. The term is taken from Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel, An Artist of the Floating World (1986). 
2. Bernard Wilson, “Artists in the Floating World: The Prose Fiction of Lee Kok Liang, Lloyd Fernando, K.S. Maniam and Shirley Geok-lin Lim.” Kajian Malaysia Vol. 30, Supp.1 (2012): 23.

Dr. Aiping Zhang English Department
California State University, Chico
400 Normal Street
Chico, CA 95973
Tel: (530) 898-5289
Email: azhang@csuchico.edu

张爱平,上海人。1977年毕业于中国复旦大学外文系,留校讲授美国文学与世界文学,并任系主任助理。1984年夏应美国哈佛大学邀请,任该校访问学者。后被哈佛大学英语系录取,领取全额奖学金,先后获得英美文学硕士和博士学位。1993年起在加利福尼亚州州立大学启科分校英语系任教,1998年升任英美文学终身副教授, 20003升任教授。曾于2001-2006年任系研究生主任, 2006-2015年三次获选,连任英语系系主任。曾应聘为上海大学客座教授,北京语言大学荣誉教授和湖南科技大学“湘江学者计划”的“海外讲座教授”。现为美国语文学会会员,美国文学学会会员,司考特∙菲兹杰拉德学会会员,詹穆斯∙库柏学会会员。研究领域包括:美国文学史、美国清教徒文学、美国小说、现代主义和后现代主义文学、美国少数民族文学等。出版有《令人神往的地方:司考特∙菲兹杰拉德小说中的背景运用》和《“丹•布朗热”及其惊险小说秘诀解析》(与朱振武合著), 并在诸多学术论文集、学术期刊及学术辞书中发表有关美国文学理论、美国亚裔文学、詹穆斯∙库柏、马克∙吐温、司考特∙菲兹杰拉德、詹穆斯∙乔伊斯、缇穆瑟∙墨、高新健、卡洛斯∙博洛桑、捷瑟卡∙海格东、弗兰克∙秦等论文和章节数十篇,曾担任美国人文基金会评委,并担任英美多家出版社和期刊的专家编审。
Aiping Zhang, born in Shanghai, China, graduated from The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Fudan University, China in 1977; taught American literature and world literature and served as the assistant to the department chair. In summer 1984, he was invited by Harvard University as a visiting scholar and, later, earned his M.A. and Ph.D. in English, with a full scholarship, from the English Department, Harvard University. He joined the faculty in the English Department, California State University, Chico in 1993, became a tenured associate professor of English and American literature in 1998, and has been a full professor since2003. He served as the Director of Graduate Studies in the department between 2001 and 2006. Between 2006 and 2015, he was elected as the department chair for three terms. Also, he wasappointed a Guest Professor of American Literature by Shanghai University, an Honorable Professor of American Literature by Beijing Language and Culture University, and the “2015 Overseas Chair Professor” for the “Xiangjiang Scholars Program” by Hunan University of Science and Technology. Currently, he is a member of the Modern Language Association of America, American Literature Association, F. Scott Fitzgerald Society, and James Fenimore Cooper Society. His areas of specialization are history of American literature, Puritanism, American Novel, Modernism and Postmodernism, and ethnic literature. His publications includeEnchanted Places: The Use of Settings in F. Scott Fitzgerald's Fiction,The Dan Brown Craze: An Analysis of His Formula of Thriller Fiction(co-authored with Zhenwu Zhu) and dozens of articles and book chapters on American literature, Asian American literature, James Fenimore Cooper, Mark Twain, F. Scott Fitzgerald, James Joyce, Timothy Mo, Gao Xingjian, Carlos Bulosan, Jessica Hagedorn, Frank Chin, and others inscholarly collections, journals, and reference books. He has been invited to serve as a grant proposal reviewer for the National Endowment for Humanities and a reviewer for several publishers and journals.
He has been invited to lecture at University of London, University of Rome, Fudan University, Beijing Language and Culture University, Shanghai University, Central China Normal University, Central China Agricultural University, Sanxia University, Changjiang University, YanchengNormal College, Xiangtan University of Science and Technology, Ningbo University, Zhejiang Normal University, Nanjing University of Post and Telecommunication, Chifeng College, and Inner Mongoloia University of Nationalities. He has published several articles in Shanghai Liberation Daily and The Social Sciences Weekly of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

Outgoing of Chinese Classics: Problems and Strategies
Over the years, especially the past 30 years since the reform and opening up, China has made great strides in its translation cause including translation activities, translation studies and translation teaching. Regardless of that, however, there is still one problem facing the country right now — lack of cultural awareness.Some Chinese consistently indulge themselves in translating foreign languages into Chinese but hardly do the opposite; they stubbornly involve themselves in the studies and teaching of translations by foreign scholars but rarely pay attention to the translation practice by eminent translators here in China; and they devote themselves to figuring out the best way to propagate the literature and culture of other countries, western countries in particular, and faithfully reproduce original texts in their translations, catering to the target readership. As for translating Chinese into other languages, they seldom take notice that our translation efforts have long been off the track and they have, to a great extent, lost themselves together with their cultural awareness, a phenomenon especially rampant in the translation of Chinese classics into foreign languages.

主要社会兼职:中国作家协会会员,中国外国文学学会副秘书长,中国认知诗学研究会副会长,全国美国文学研究会常务理事,国际文学伦理学研究会理事,中国外国文学学会英语文学研究分会常务理事,全国英国文学研究会理事,中国比较文学学会翻译研究会理事,中美比较文化研究会理事,中国外语界面研究学会常务理事,中国外国文学教学研究会理事,上海市作家协会理事及外国文学专业委员会副主任,上海市翻译家协会理事, 上海市比较文学学会理事;北京大学等多所高校的特聘教授。近年为北京大学、复旦大学、对外经贸大学、国防科技大学、上海外国语大学做专题学术讲80多次。

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