
第六次应用语言学沙龙 语言理解眼动研究专题




Session One: 13:30-14:20 (40mins Presentation + 10mins Q&A) 
Session Two: 14:20-15:10 (40mins Presentation + 10mins Q&A) 
Coffee Break: 15:10-15:30
Session Three: 15:30-16:20 (40mins Presentation + 10mins Q&A)
Session Four: 16:20 -17:10 (40mins Presentation + 10mins Q&A)

Title: Eye Tracking in Reading Research
Speaker: Dr. S. B. Hutton, School of Psychology, University of Sussex / R-Research, Ontario.
Researchers have used eye tracking technology to inform their understanding of how people read and process written language for several decades. Indeed psycholinguists have been pioneers in the development of eye tracking technology, methodology, and techniques for analysing eye movement data. In this talk I will briefly review the basics of oculomotor control (saccades / fixations / foveal and parafoveal vision), before discussing the dominant eye tracking paradigms used by researchers interested in reading. I will describe standard sentence reading tasks (including detailed discussion of how to derive standard reading measures such as first fixation duration, regression path duration etc) and then consider more advanced techniques such as those involving gaze-contingent windows / masks and boundary triggered changes. The talk will focus on how these tasks can be implemented using Experiment Builder software for stimulus presentation, and how the resulting data can be analyzed using Data Viewer software.

Title: Eye Tracking in Language Comprehension
Speaker:Dr. S. B. Hutton, School of Psychology, University of Sussex / R-Research, Ontario.
Whilst the dominant use of eye tracking technology in language research has focused on eye movements during reading, in recent years researchers have begun to appreciate that the technology can also be used to provide important insights into the cognitive processes involved in language comprehension. The dominant paradigm is referred to as the "visual world task" and involves presenting participants with images that they view whilst listening to a sentence unfold. The pattern of gaze over time can provide important clues as to how the spoken language is being parsed in real time. In this talk I will describe the basic visual world task in detail, and explore the various approaches to analysis that can be taken. The talk will provide practical advice on how visual world tasks can be implemented in Experiment Builder, and how Time Series Analyses can be performed simply with Data Viewer.

Title:Semantic integration in Chinese reading: Evidence from Eye Movements
Speaker:Dr. Yang Jinmian, Department of Psychology, Fudan University
Written Chinese is a script that differs in many important ways from alphabetic languages. In this talk, I will first introduce the particular properties of written Chinese (e.g., spaces do not mark word boundaries) and what has been discovered about reading Chinese (as well as how it is different from reading English). Then, I will present two experiments examining the time course of semantic integration of single-character and two-character target words. Given that the same Chinese character can be a word on its own or the first character of a two-character word with totally different meanings, semantic integration is not expected to occur in an immediate manner. However, our results consistently show that semantic integration processes in reading Chinese are performed in an immediate manner and on a word-by-word basis. Moreover, these results imply that word segmentation must take place very early in the course of processing.

Title: The Online Processing of Mandarin Focus Adverb Structures --- Evidence from Eye-Tracking
Speaker:Dr. Wang Yuxia, School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai JiaoTong University 
The understanding of a sentence requires a good interpretation of both word meaning and inference meaning. Semantic focus, which expresses the most important and salient information in a discourse, is such an example. According to Alternative Semantics Theory (Rooth, 1992), focus is associated with the presence of a set of focus alternatives; hence, its comprehension involves both the foci and its alternatives. Therefore, whether the presence of focus alternative sets/ propositions has any psychological reality is an important research question. Using eye-tracking,we investigated the time course issue of processing focus structures marked by exclusive focus adverb “zhi” and scalar focus adverb “lian” in two studies. Study one suggested that Chinese language parser was sensitive to the semantic differences associated with different focus particles and the understanding of focus could automatically activate focus alternative sets/ propositions. Study two found an interaction effect between focus particles and event likelikhood where scalar focus “lian” was processed faster when followed with events of low likelihood, while exclusive focus “zhi” was faster with events of high likelihood. The results indicated that focus-associated contrastive information was rapidly comprehended. 

Sam Hutton简介:
加拿大SR Reaearch公司驻欧洲科学家/英国苏赛克斯大学高级讲师,访问学者。
Sam博士先后发表眼动相关的论文五十多篇。在SR Research任职科研支持专家工作后广泛参与了EYELINK用户的科研工作,对眼动涉及的各种研究领域均有掌握。

华南师范大学心理系硕士,美国麻州大学安城分校(University of Massachusetts, Amherst)心理系博士,加州大学圣地亚哥分校心理系博士后,复旦大学心理系青年副研究员。研究方向为阅读中的眼动效应,包括影响词汇识别的因素,中文的语义跟语法加工,中英文预视效应的机制,老年人,聋人,失语症病人的阅读行为研究,以及用ERP的方法检测眼动研究中发现的阅读效应。在Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition; Psychology and Aging等国内外学术期刊上发表论文二十余篇。


Copyright: 2013 School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiaotong University cross ICP No. 2010919

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