
Jeffrey Heath教授的讲座通知


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学术讲座题目:Adjectives and their semantic extensions, cross-linguistically

演讲人:Jeffrey Heath教授


Jeffrey Heath教授于1971年获美国哈佛大学学士学位,1976年获美国芝加哥大学语言学博士学位。1977年至1985年在美国哈佛大学任教,先后担任助理教授、副教授。1989年至今担任美国密西根大学语言学系教授。研究兴趣包括:形态学、历史语言学、语言描述与记录等。曾多次获美国国家科学基金资助(National Science Foundation grants), Guggenheim fellowship。Heath教授上个世纪70年代致力于研究澳大利亚的语言,80年代致力于阿拉伯语的研究,90年代至今致力于非洲语言的研究。先后出版了二十多部关于上述语言的语法著作。在语言学世界第一权威刊物、美国语言学学会旗舰刊物Language发表研究性论文多篇,在语言学国际顶级期刊Journal of Linguistics, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory发表研究性论文多篇,在语言学国际知名学术刊物Diachronica, International Journal of American Linguistics, Linguistics, Linguistic Typology以及Chicago Linguistic Society, Berkeley Linguistic Society, Cambridge University Press, Elsevier, John Benjamins, Mouton de Gruyter等国际知名出版社出版的论文集发表数十篇论文。Heath教授的学术作品在国际主流语言学界被引用数千次。

In English and other "Standard Average European" languages, every basic sensory adjective (such as red, hot, rough, and dry) has a single primary meaning and numerous extensions that can be modeled as radial networks. On the rare occasions where such an adjective has developed from an original adjective or adverb with a clearly different sense, as with English fast (originally 'firm'), the original sense is rapidly eliminated except in marginal survivals (steadfast, hold fast, fasten) that are no longer connected to the current adjective. In Dogon languages of West Africa, by contrast, bimodal primary semantics is freely allowed for adjectives (e.g. 'sweet' = 'sharp'), and figurative extensions are limited. Further cross-linguistic study of this matter is needed, but relevant data cannot be reliably gleaned from dictionaries, so language specialists and native speakers must be involved in the study.

Copyright: 2013 School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiaotong University cross ICP No. 2010919

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