
Dr. Luis Pérez-González系列学术讲座通知


Dr. Luis Pérez-González系列学术讲座通知

题目1 :Research Methods for the Study of Media Translation
时间: 2016年4月4日(周一)下午14:00
摘要:This session provides a comprehensive overview of established and emerging research methods in audiovisual translation studies. Starting with conceptual research, i.e. studies that prioritize the exploration of ideas over the interrogation of data, the overview places particular emphasis on empirical research methods. Observational research methods, illustrated by eye-tracking studies, address the perceptual and cognitive aspects of audiovisual translation, with a view to inform professional practices and achieve a better understanding of how viewers process information in screen‐based environments. Interactionist research methods, involving the use of questionnaires or interviews, bring to the fore important considerations pertaining to the reception of audiovisual translations. Documentary methods have traditionally taken the form of archival research, but they are now also at the centre of new netnographic methodologies – which require the immersion of the investigator as a participant in online translator communities. Finally, computer‐held corpora provide the main focus of the exploration of quantitative research methods in audiovisual translation scholarship. 

题目2 : Subtitling Dissent: A Biopolitical Perspective
时间: 2016年4月5日(周二)下午14:00
摘要: In the digital culture, translated media content can no longer be exclusively conceptualised as a site of contact between cultures, with translators acting as disinterested mediators between them. New self-mediated textualities, produced and circulated by ordinary people, revolve around the negotiation of affinity and antagonism between members of virtual transnational constituencies, who explore and share aspects of their identities on the basis of shifting configurations of bonds and relationships across linguistic and national borders. This presentation explores the growing enmeshment of collectivities of amateur subtitlers in the transnational digital mediascape, and examines the proliferation of these new agencies of political intervention in public life against the ongoing shift from representative to deliberative forms of democratic participation in post-national, informational societies.
Drawing on examples from activist communities of amateur subtitlers seeking to effect social/political change, this paper postulates the centrality of affectivity as a mobilizing force around which radical subtitling agencies coalesce. Affectivity will be conceptualized in this presentation from the disciplinary standpoint of biopolitics. Under this framework, amateur-subtitled texts are regarded as sites of emotional investment. The discussion will focus on the extent to which affect is produced by the practices surrounding the production and reception of subtitled output (rather than on the encoding of subjectively felt states of emotion), and examine how the circulation flows of subtitled content through digital communication systems contributes to assembling an audience or population of affective receptivity.

题目3 :Academic English Writing and Publishing in international (SSCI/A&HCI) Journals
时间: 2016年4月6日(周三)下午14:00
摘要:Publication in a peer-reviewed journal is the obvious goal of most research projects. It is through publication that your research reaches others in the field, advancing knowledge and encouraging communication between groups with similar research goals. Although peer review can be a lengthy and often exhausting process, the ultimate publication of your manuscript effectively validates your work and can help to advance your career. 
One of the most important—and possibly the least well understood—aspects of the publication process is the choice of a suitable journal that is likely to accept your work. Submitting a manuscript to an unsuitable journal is one of the most common mistakes made by authors, and both novice and seasoned researchers are capable of making this error. First-time authors or those who are branching out into broader research territories may be unfamiliar with the journals in the field. Meanwhile, experienced authors may be tempted to publish in the same journals as always, despite the fact that new publication opportunities are constantly arising in the form of electronic-only journals and open access publications. Even rigorous, high-impact work can be rejected when the topic of the research does not match the scope of the journal, and making this mistake wastes time, money, and motivation.
This session identifies some ways of thinking about writing up research and examines what one needs to do in order to prepare and submit work for publication in international translation and interpreting studies journals.
主讲人简介:Luis Pérez-González博士是英国曼彻斯特大学翻译与跨文化研究中心主任,高级讲师,博士生导师。发表出版论文及专著40余篇(部),代表性著作有Audiovisual Translation: Theories, Methods and Issues (2014, Routledge),Handbook of Audiovisual Translation (2017, Routledge),在视听翻译、多模态翻译领域具有广泛的国际影响。曾担任国际知名翻译学期刊The Interpreter and Translator Trainer(SSCI)主编,Critical Perspectives on Citizen Media系列丛书主编,以及多家国际知名期刊如The Translator(SSCI)编委。

Copyright: 2013 School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiaotong University cross ICP No. 2010919

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