






14.00-15.30pm: Subtitling: Beyond the spoken mode, by Dr Sara Ramos Pinto, Leeds University

15.45-17.15pm: Interpreting Studies: What and How, by Dr Binhua Wang, Leeds University


Subtitling Dialects: A new multimodal analytical framework 
Dr Sara Ramos Pinto

The use of linguistic varieties in films and television series has increasingly become an invaluable resource for a more accurate depiction of the characters’ interpersonal relations established between them and the discursive situation (Kozloff 2000, Hodson 2014). Numerous articles in audiovisual translation have been published identifying the main translation strategies and tendencies in the subtitling of scenes with characters speaking a non-standard variety. However, despite their valuable contribution, the analysis carried out in most of these studies is solely based on the examination of the verbal mode, highlighting a limited consideration of the multimodal nature of the audiovisual product and how meaning is created in film through intermodal relations. 
In this presentation, a new framework will be presented for the study of the multimodal construction of the non-standard varieties’ communicative meaning and the translation strategies used. Assuming that modes do not function separately from each other and that the connections established between them serve a specific communicative purpose (Kress et al. 2001; Bateman and Schmidt 2014), this framework will allow for the identification of the modes and elements at play, the relations established between them as well as how such relations participate in the construction of the non-standard variety’s communicative purpose. Given the TS perspective behind it, this framework will take subtitles as another mode with which new intermodal relations are established and allow for the analysis of the impact of the introduction of subtitles in preserving, cancelling or modifying the intermodal relations established in the source product and, consequently, the narrative functions they support. 
At the end of the presentation it will be shown how this framework was at the basis of a new tool built to assist translators in making quicker and more informed analysis of narrative situations with characters speaking non-standard varieties as well as the translation options available to them. 

Interpreting Studies: What and How
Dr Binhua Wang

Interpreting studies has been developed as a sub-field of Translation Studies for 60 years. This talk attempts to give a panoramic view of this field by presenting the following aspects:
the evolution of Interpreting Studies
epistemology of Interpreting Studies
research perspectives and topics 
research paradigms and methodology of Interpreting Studies
recent trends of Interpreting Studies

Copyright: 2013 School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiaotong University cross ICP No. 2010919

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