


时间: 2016324(周四)下午1:00


题目: Research on Translation and Interpreting as Socially-Situated Activities: Problems and Challenges  (口笔译的社会性研究:问题与挑战 )


   There has never been a time when translation is so ubiquitous and so closely linked to world changes and everyday life. This enhances the necessity of a better understanding of its social relevance. Research from socio-cultural perspective has gained breakthrough achievements. However, there still exist some problems that need further theorizing, especially in the following aspects. Firstly, the close involvement of translation in society and its omnipresence in our daily life determine its openness of being interdisciplinary, whose role probably can only be demonstrated by drawing on relevant disciplinary achievements. Therefore, it would be rather farfetched to call such interdisciplinary studies of translation so-and-so “turns”, or to worry about the resultant digression of the so-called “ontology/noumenon”; secondly, more significance should be attached to such translation as not corresponding to the original or with no original at all, i.e. ostensibly creative writings but actually interlingual rewriting or renarrating—translation in broad-sense; thirdly, interpreting research to a large extent remains at micro level of technique rather than at macro level. Actually the socio-political manipulation on interpreting is far more complex than we have anticipated; fourthly, with the increasing popularity of Internet and globalization, conflicts within one country soon become internationally public and often need interlingual publicizing and negotiating, in which translation plays a rather intricate role. More attention should be paid to this; fifthly, translation of scientific discourse is not as objective as people have generally considered. Scientific discourse also involves to a certain extent in the process of legalization and justification (Baker 2011). Translation’s role in spreading or resisting such narrative need further theorization.

The current globalized world is dramatically different, so are the position and the function of translation. Even the term per se is no longer in its general interpretation. Whoever fails to realize this and change accordingly will certainly be left behind.


Keywords: translation and interpreting, as socially-situated activity, research prospects



信息全球化时代也可称为翻译的时代,翻译从来没有像今天这样与世界变革以及人们的日常生活如此息息相关。翻译的地位与作用,甚至翻译这个术语本身已经发生了微妙的变化。翻译的社会性研究受到越来越多的关注, 其研究的广度、方法和理念都取得了突破性进展。然而口笔译的社会性研究也还存在一些问题,主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 对丧失本体的担心以及各种研究转向的提法。翻译与社会的密切相关性决定了翻译学科的开放性,解析翻译的社会功能需要借鉴邻边学科新的研究成果。因此,对翻译的跨学科研究既不是“转向”也不会因此而失去所谓的“本体”;2.广义翻译的研究亟待加强。 随着社会性研究的进展,那些与原文并不对应的或根本无原文可对应的翻译形式进入研究者的视野,有些表面上看似创作而实质上却是语际改写(或重述),这种广义翻译的研究亟待加强;3. 口译的社会性。相比较而言,口译研究目前较多停留在语言和技术等微观层面。中外实例充分说明,政治、文化等社会性因素对口译的操控远比我们预想的要复杂得多,而这方面的研究在我国还不多见;4. 冲突中的翻译。随着Internet日益普及,一个国家的内部冲突也经常需要跨语言、跨文化的阐释,翻译在这类叙事中的作用很复杂,还需业界多加关注;5. 科学叙事的翻译也并非毫无视角。科学叙事及其翻译并非人们之前普遍认为的那样客观,学问认识从来就不是“客观的,毫无视角的”。大量案例证明,科学叙事也不同程度地“参与了合法化、正义化的进程”(Baker 2011),即受到意识形态的操控,在传播或抵制这类叙事方面,翻译的作用还有待进一步发掘。






1. Baker, Mona. Translation and Conflict A Narrative Account, London and New York: Routledge


2. Barsky, Robert. “Stories from the Court of Appeal in Literature and Law”, in Mike Baynham and Ana De Fina (eds) Dislocations/Relocations: Narratives of Displacement, Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing, 2005:221-241.

3. Bassnett, S. ed. Translation in Global News, University of Warwick. 2006.

4. Schaffner, C. and S. Bassnett. (eds)   Political   Discourse, Media and Translation, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2010.

5. 蒙娜-贝克原作,赵文静 主译《翻译与冲突:叙事性阐释》,北京大学出版社. 2011

6. 赵文静 2006 /2008 翻译的文化操控[M],上海:复旦大学出版社

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8. 赵文静 2009 “Literary Criticism and the Creation of Ibsen’s Image in China”, in Perspectives: Studies of Translatology,    (3)   137-149.

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13. Zhao,Wenjing. 2011“How Ibsen Travels from Europe     to China: Ibsenism from Archer, Shaw to Hu Shi”[A], in Dimitris Asimakoulas and Margaret Rogers(eds)Translation and Opposition[C], NY and    Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2011: 39-59.

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