
Programme for Sino-UK Symposium of Corpus Linguistics 2014


Programme for Sino-UK Symposium of Corpus Linguistics 2014


Saturday December 13th, 2014

8:00: Welcome address by Kaibao Hu

8:10 to 9:40

Plenary talk 1: Corpus linguistics and its applications: Three case studies

ByVaclav Brezina, Dana Gablasova and Elena Semino (Lancaster University)

9:40 to 10:00 Coffee break

10:00 to 11:00

Plenary talk 2: Studies in applied multimodal corpus linguistics

By YueguoGu, Ping Huang, Yuxiang Li and Lihe Huang

11:00 to 12:00

Plenary talk 3: Verb valency in CLEC: A corpus-driven study of CONSIDER

By Fengchao Zhen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)


12:30 to 13:30 Lunch


13:30 to 17:30 Concurrent sessions

15:00 to 15:20 Coffee break

16:00 Welcome banquet dinner

Session One: Corpus-based translation studies (25 minutes for each presentation)

(1)       莎士比亚十四行诗汉译本平行语料库对比研究——以早期和现行译本为例(谢桂霞、陈海鑫、刘璐)

(2)       “Source language shining through” and restraint: Chunks in English-Chinese translation, a case study of “(zài) … … qíngkuàngxià”(谢冰冰)

(3)       Translation universals and their influences in Chinese corporate web localization: A corpus-based study(丁立)

(4)       Europeanization of Chinese translations related to the use of “personal pronoun + de”: A corpus-based study(巩雪先、贾卉)

(5)       基于平行语料库的汉英会议中兼类词的口译研究——以名形副兼类词“高度”为例(王丽)

(6)       Suggestions on the abstract translation of Chinese academic journal articles based on the discourse analysis of English abstracts of Science and Natureresearch papers(曾文华)

(7)       The construction and application of Chinese-English parallel corpus of Mo Yan’s novel(宋庆伟)


Session Two: Corpus linguistic analysis (20 minutes for each presentation)

(1)       基于语料库的“把个”句主观化研究(李雨晨)

(2)       基于语料库的“接近”和“靠近”比较分析(马玄思、郭曙纶)

(3)       基于布朗家族语料库的英语被动结构的历时研究(张蓓蕾)

(4)       From comparable corpora to divergent views: Metaphorical representations of REFERENDUM in two Taiwan newspapers(段人凤)

(5)       A corpus-based study of reporting verbs in the introductory phase of empirical research articles: A cross-generic perspective(Kathy Lin)

(6)       Lexico-phraseology profiles in an English logistics corpus: An investigation into register features of written academic logistics language(Yuying Hu)

(7)       基于语言网络的语义韵结构与语义弥散方式研究(刘建鹏)

(8)       Speech reporting in Chinese and English newspaper texts across genres(高小丽)

(9)       Visualizing onomasiological change: A corpus-based analysis of metonymic patterns for woman in Chinese(张炜炜)


Session Three: A Corpus-based approach to SLA and language teaching (20 minutes for each presentation)


(1)       基于自建小型口语语料库的反馈语研究(董博宇、纪卫宁)

(2)       A corpus-based study on Chinese learners’acquisition of English psych predicates(赵静)

(3)       Research on stance expressions of Chinese spoken English(黄沭云)

(4)       英语专业学生以论文中的虚化动词搭配研究(宫健宇)

(5)       Using COCA to teach advanced English grammar(陈崇崇)

(6)       The construction of corpus-based teaching model forEnglish academic writing course(刘萍)

(7)       In-service teacher self-development study based on multimodal corpus of classroom teaching(李玉香)

(8)       蒙古语语料资源建设与研究进展(达胡白乙拉)

(9)       基于多模态现场即席话语语料库的文盲人语力研究(黄立鹤)

(10)   基于多模态语料库的侦查员与嫌疑人互动研究(黄萍、尚晓明)















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