
国际知名学者 Juliane House教授学术讲座


国际知名学者 Juliane House教授学术讲座

讲座题目:English as a global lingua franca: A threat to multilingualism, intercultural communication and translation?

报告人:Professor Juliane House

时间:   2014年9月25日(星期四)下午13: 30





德国汉堡大学应用语言学和翻译学教授。曾任德国口笔译学会主席,现任国际翻译和跨文化研究学会(IATIS)主席。出版或即将出版的著书25本,论文207篇。此外,她还担任多本国际翻译学及应用语言学期刊的编委,如 The Translator(SSCI),Journal of Politeness Research(SSCI)等。


In this lecture I will discuss the important question of whether and how the increasing importance of English as a global language and an international lingua franca in many facets of contemporary societies poses a threat to multilingualism and the practice of translation worldwide.

I will first take a closer look at the notion ‘English as a lingua franca’ (ELF), and also briefly turn to the question of why it should be English that has adopted this pre-eminent role and not some other language. Secondly, I will discuss whether ELF can really be called a threat to multilingual communication and translation or whether ELF is simply a useful ‘neutral’ tool for effective global understanding in academic, business and other contexts. I will here make a distinction between ‘a language for communication’ and ‘a language for identification’ arguing for a compromise position between a wholesale condemnation of ELF and a naïve acceptance of its benefits. This position will be supported from three different perspectives: linguistic, psycholinguistic and pedagogic. Thirdly, I will discuss the question of whether translation as an important type of multilingual communication and an effective means of maintaining cultural identity is threatened by the ever increasing use of English worldwide.




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