Xue Yuan Associate Professor
Department:German Department
Tutor:Doctoral Supervisor
Educational Background & Work Experience
【Educational Background】
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Grade: Magna Cum Laude
Dissertation: Beyond the Body - Gender Constructions in European Novels since the End of 1990s to the Present [Über den Körper hinaus – Geschlechterkonstruktion im europäischen Roman seit Ende der 1990er Jahre bis in die Gegenwart] 2009-2013
Magister (Bachelor + Master) in Comparative Literature and German Literature
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Grade: Cum Laude
Thesis: "Miss Nothing" -- Language and Body Awareness in Chinese and German Contemporary Novels [„Miss Nothing“ – Frauenbilder in chinesischen und deutschen Gegenwartsroman, Sprache und Körperbewusstsein im Vergleich] 2004-2009
【Work Experience】
Associate Professor at Department of German Studies, School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2016-today
The Second Prize of Outstanding Research Achievements of Shanghai International Studies Association 2017
The Nomination Award of the Second National Youth Prize for Innovative Thesis in Theoretical Fields 2017
The Second Prize of the Candle Award of SJTU 2017
Teaching and Research
Undergraduate courses: Introduction to German Literature, Selected Readings in German Literature, Intermediate and Advanced Courses in German-Chinese Interpretation, Simulation of International Conference, Intercultural Communication
Master Courses: English Thesis Writing, German Literature Research, Postmodern Literature Research
Doctoral Courses: English Academic Paper Writing (Literature)
1.Beyond the Body - gender constructions in the European novel since the end of the 1990s to the present[Über den Körper hinaus – Geschlechterkonstruktion im europäischen Roman seit Ende der 1990er Jahre bis in die Gegenwart], Bielefeld: Transcript, 2014
2. The power of language, literary aspects of the web blog in China [Die Macht der Sprache, literarische Aspekte des Webblogs in China], Stockholm: Grin, 2011
Jounal Articles
1. “The Return of Faith”[Die Rückkehr des Glaubens], The Germanic Review, 2018,1. (Accepted)
2. “Advances in Membership Categorisation Analysis”, Multilingua. DOI: 10. 2015/muti-2016-0072, 2016, 9.
3. “Performatism--An Attempt of Literary Theory after Postmodernism”, Frontier of Literary Theory, 2017, 19
4. “A Contrastive Study of Chinese and Western Theories of Literature and Arts in the Twenty-first Century”, Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science, 2016, 6. (This Article was reprinted by the Information Center for Social Science of Renmin University of China, 2017, 4)
5.“The Death of German postmodern multiculturalism - Is Hitler back again”, Exploration and Contention, 2016, 9. (The second national youth theory innovation award winning work)
6. “A new Interpretation of Virgin Mary--Collision between Catholicism and European After Postmodern Fiction”, Jounal of SJTU (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2015, 5.
7. “The Ostensive Sign and the Gender-oriented Literature in Europe”, Foreign Literatures, 2015, 1.
8. "The external discourse strategy under the influence of Anti-globalization and populism - Germany, France, the United States as examples”, in Proceedings of the fourth national symposium on the construction of the discourse system of philosophy and Social Sciences, Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2017.
9. “Judith Butler and German Poststructural Gender-oriented Literary Criticism ", Comparative Literature and Cross-cultural Studies, 2017, 2.
10. “Strong Performances. New subject and gender constructions in the European novel” [Strong Performances. Neue Subjekt- und Geschlechtskonstruktion im europäischen Roman], Einheitsdenken nach der Postmoderne, Nordhausen: Traugott Bautz, 2015
11. "A Rebellion of European Aria", Translations, 2014, 4.
Zwangsinterpretation, Minima sinica, 2017, 29(1).
Literature, literary criticism and the historical index of text readability [《文学、文学批评及文本可读性的历史指数》],Literature and Art Studies [《文艺研究》] 2016,8.
Conferences (selection)
LMU China Academic Network 3nd Scientific Forum by Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, in Munich, China. 10. 2017
Visiting Scholarship of DAAD to visit University of Munich in Germany. 08. 2017
The Fourth National Symposium on the construction of the discourse system of philosophy and Social Sciences in China, “the propaganda strategy under the influence of European populism”. 04. 2017
LMU China Academic Network 2nd Scientific Forum by Zhejiang University and Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, "Three turns after Postmoderne”[Drei Wenden nach der Postmoderne], in Hangzhou, China. 11.2016
International Conference on Research and Reception of Goethe in Asia by Shanghai international Studies University, the Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany and Hanns Seidel Foundation, “The aesthetic writings of German and Chinese drama in comparison with the example of Goethe, Schiller and Wang Guowei" [Die ästhetischen Schriften der deutschen und chinesischen Dramatik im Vergleich am Beispiel von Goethe, Schiller und Wang Guowei], in Shanghai, China. 10. 2016
The Symposium on comparative literature and multiculturalism held by Shanghai International Studies Association, "the debate between German units and multiculturalism” in Shanghai, China. 11. 2015
Professional Service
Member of a council in the Confucius Institute in Heidelberg
Deputy Director, "China Image Research Center", Shanghai Jiaotong University
Researcher, China Academy of Urban Governanc