Wu Fuyun Professor
Department:English Department
Tutor:Doctoral Supervisor
Educational Background & Work Experience
3/2017 to present |
Professor, School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
12/2011-2/2017 |
Associate Professor, Institute of Linguistics, Shanghai International Studies University |
8/2009-11/2011 |
Associate Professor (University-Appointed), Institute of Linguistics, Shanghai International Studies University |
9/1996-7/2000 |
Program Coordinator and Interpreter, Office of International Programs, Fudan University |
2009 |
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California Ph.D. in Linguistics |
2004 |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois M.A. in Linguistics |
2002 |
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona M.A. in English Language/Linguistics (TESOL) |
1996 |
Fudan University, Shanghai, China B.A. in British and American English Language & Literature (Including 1-year military training [compulsory for students enrolled into Peking University and Fudan University during 1989-1992] at Dalian Military Academy, Dalian) |
Teaching and Research
Wu, F. (2021). Sentence Processing. Beijing: Foreign Languages Teaching and Research Press.
Refereed Journal papers or Book chapters
Wu, F.*, Wang, F. & Li, J.2024. Processing Chinese object-topicalization structures in simple and complex sentences. Linguistics. 1-40. DOI: 10.1515/ling-2022-0118
Zhu, C. & Wu, F.* (2024). To stress or not to stress: What can Mandarin pronouns inform us of the accessibility of Topic and Focus? Phonetica 81(1), 81-117.
Xiang, K. & Wu, F.* (2023). Grammatical encoding of double-object alternations in Zhuang: Evidence for the one-stage model. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 76(9), 2139-2154.
Wu, F.*, Lyu, J. & Sheng, Y.* (2021). Effects of L1 transfer are profound, yet native-like processing strategy is attainable: Evidence from advanced learners' production of complex L2 Chinese structures. Frontiers in Psychology 12: 794500, 1-14. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.794500
Chang, W., Duan, Y., Qian, J., Wu, F.*, Jiang, X. & Zhou, X. (2020). Gender interference in processing Chinese compound reflexive: Evidence from reading eye-tracking. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 35(10), 1355-1370.
Wang, F. & Wu, F.* (2020). Postnominal relative clauses in Chinese. Linguistics 58(6), 1501-1542.
Wu, F.*, Kaiser, E., & Vasishth, S. (2018). Effects of early cues on the processing of Chinese relative clauses: Evidence for experience-based theories. Cognitive Science 42(3), 1101-1133.
Yang, Y., Wu, F.*& Zhou, X.*(2015). Semantic processing persists despite anomalous syntactic category: ERP evidence from Chinese passive sentences. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0131936, 1-15. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0131936
Wu, F.*, Luo, Y. & Zhou, X.*(2014). Building Chinese relative clause structures with lexical and syntactic cues: Evidence from visual-world eyetracking and reading times. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 29(10), 1205-1226.
Wu, F.*, Kaiser, E. & Andersen, E. (2012). Animacy effects in Chinese relative clause processing. Language and Cognitive Processes 27(10), 1489-1524.
Wu, F. (2011). Frequency issues of classifier configurations for processing Mandarin object-extracted relative clauses: A corpus study. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 7(2), 203-227.
Wu, F., Kaiser, E. & Andersen, E. (2011). Subject preference, head animacy, and lexical cues: A corpus study of relative clauses in Chinese. In Yamashita, H., Hirose, Y. & Packard J. (Eds). Processing and Producing Head-final Structures, 173-194. The Netherlands: Springer.
Wu, F. (2010). The influence of Chinese focused cleft Wh-constructions on Chinese speakers’ L2 knowledge of English wh-movement: Evidence from two experimental studies. In Roberts, L, Howard, M., O Laoire, M. & Singleton, D. (Eds.) EUROSLA Yearbook 10, 142-168. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Refereed Chinese Journal papers
Wu, F.* & Wang, F. (2024). Processing Chinese topic structure in contexts: A comparison between the topic structures in the main clause and in the relative clause. Dangdai Yuyanxue (Contemporary Linguistics) 26(1), 40-53.
Wu, F. & Peng, S. (2023). On Chinese subject-relative processing advantage. Waiyu Jiaoxue Yu Yanjiu (Foreign Language Teaching and Research) 55(3), 335-346.
Xiang, K. & Wu, F. (2020). Production of double-object alternations in Zhuang. Dangdai Waiyu Yanjiu (Contemporary Foreign Language Studies) 450(6), 59-67.
Li, J. & Wu, F. (2020). Subject or topic: Evidence from processing SVO and TSV sentences. Xiandai Waiyu (Contemporary Foreign Languages) 43(4), 477-488.
Wang, F. & Wu, F. (2020). Psycholinguistic studies on Chinese topic structures: A critical review. Waiyu Xuekan (Foreign Language Research) 217(6), 9-16.
Wu, F. (2020) Semantic interference effects in reflexive-antecedent dependency processing in English and Chinese. Xiandai Waiyu (Contemporary Foreign Languages) 43(3), 318-329.
Sheng, Y. & Wu, F. (2018). Animacy modulates demonstrative-classifier positioning in Chinese relative clauses. Waiyu Xuekan (Foreign Language Journal) (1), 58-63.
Lyu, J. & Wu, F. (2017). Learnability of asymmetric patterns of determiner phrase in Chinese relative clauses: Evidence from a L2 corpus and production studies. Jiefangjun Waiguoyu Xueyuan Xuebao (Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages) (4), 62-70.
Wang, F., & Wu, F. (2016). Non-canonical postnominal relative clauses in Chinese: A study on spoken corpus. Yuyan Kexue (Linguistic Sciences) 15(6), 526-539.
Wu, F. & Lyu, J. (2016). Ordering of Chinese relative clauses and determiner phrase: A second language perspective. Hanyu Xuexi (Chinese Learning) 4, 89-94.
Qian, J. & Wu, F. (2016). Immediate effects of Binding Principle A on complex reflexive processing in Chinese. Xiandai Waiyu (Contemporary Foreign Languages) 39(4), 495-506.
Wu, F. & Sheng, Y. (2016). On the necessity of determiner phrases in contexts: Subject relative preference revisited. Wai Guo Yu (Foreign Languages) 39(2), 11-20.
Wu, F. & Li, L. (2015). Processing scope relations in Chinese: An online study on universal quantifiers and negation. Dangdai Yuyanxue (Contemporary Linguistics) 17(4), 400-413.
Wu, F. & Sheng, Y. (2014). Pre-RC determiner phrase bias and production preference for object relatives: Perspectives from second language learners. Waiyu Jiaoxue Yu Yanjiu (Foreign Language Teaching and Research) 46(3), 401-411.
Wu, F. & Sheng, Y. (2014). Demonstrative-classifier positioning in Chinese relative clauses and its implication to language production models. Wai Guo Yu (Foreign Languages) 37(3), 49-58.
Wu, F. (2013). Will more heads increase processing difficulties? Evidence from Chinese.Wai Guo Yu (Foreign Languages) 36(3), 60-67.
Sheng, Y. & Wu, F. (2013). Asymmetric distribution of demonstrative-classifier structures in Chinese relative clauses and its reasons: A spoken corpus study. Xiandai Waiyu (Modern Foreign Languages) 33(2), 150-157
Li, J. & Wu, F. (2013). Typological generalizations and Chinese relative clauses produced by second language learners. Waiyu Jiaoxue Yu Yanjiu (Foreign Language Teaching and Research) 45(1), 80-92.
Wu, F. (2012). Issues on Resources-based Dependency Locality Theory – Challenges from Mandarin Relative Clause. Dangdai Yuyanxue (Contemporary Linguistics)14(4), 365-379.
Wu, F. (2012).Book Review: Processing and Producing Head-final Structures. Waiyu Jiaoxue Yu Yanjiu (Foreign Language Teaching and Research) 44(1),137-141.
Wu, F. (2011). Experience-based or working-memory-based? Evidence from animacy configurations in relative clauses in Chinese news corpus. Yuyan Kexue (Linguistic Sciences) 10(4), 396-408.
Wu, F. (2011). Classifier-Noun mismatch configuration in corpus: Its rarity of occurrence and underlying reasons. Xiandai Waiyu (Modern Foreign Languages) 34, 135-142.
Wu, F. (2011). Hawkins’s Minimize Domain Theory applied to Chinese relative clauses processing: Its significance and potential problems. Wai Guo Yu (Foreign Languages) 34, 19-27.
Grant Support
2020-2023 |
National Social Science Foundation of China, Syntactic and semantic processing of Chinese sentences with long-distance dependencies using memory-based approaches (20BYY160) Role: Principal Investigator |
2019-2022 |
Shanghai Social Sciences and Philosophy Foundation, Processing canonical and non-canonical sentences in Chinese: Perspectives from referential dependencies (2019BYY005) Role: Principal Investigator |
2013-2018 |
National Social Science Foundation of China, Effects of disambiguation and structural expectancy from determiner phrases in relative clause processing (13BYY152) Role: Principal Investigator |
2012-2015 |
New Century Excellent Talents in University, Ministry of Education (NCET-12-0907) Role: Principal Investigator |
2010-2012 |
Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, Ministry of Education, Processing Chinese relative clauses and its underlying neurobiological mechanisms Role: Principal Investigator |
2010-2013 |
Shanghai Social Sciences and Philosophy Foundation, Chinese sentence processing: Its psychological processes and neurological substrates (2010BYY003) Role: Principal Investigator |
2010-2012 |
Shanghai Pujiang Talent Foundation, Processing filler-gap dependency: A cross-linguistic Study (10PJC066) Role: Principal Investigator |