  • Ding Jian

    Secretary of CPC SFL Committee

    Responsibilities: in charge of party committee work, finance, trade union(women's committee), and information construction

    Email: dingjian@sjtu.edu.cn
    Address: Room 209, School of Foreign Languages at Shanghai Jiao Tong University

  • Chang Hui

    Dean of SFL, Vice Secretary of CPC SFL Committee

    Responsibilities: in charge of administrative affairs,  discipline development, personnel (including center for postdoctoral studies), university-industry cooperation(including overseas test center)

    Email: jameschanghui@163.com
    Address: Room 207, School of Foreign Languages at Shanghai Jiao Tong University

  • Tao Qing

    Associate Dean of SFL

    Responsibilities: International exchange, alumni, professional degree postgraduates

    Email: taoqing@sjtu.edu.cn
    Address: Room 215, School of Foreign Languages at Shanghai Jiao Tong University


  • Shang Biwu

    Associate Dean of SFL

    Responsibilities: scientific research (including the reference room), postgraduate education, postgraduate admission

    Email: biwushang@sjtu.edu.cn
    Address: Room 217, School of Foreign Languages at Shanghai Jiao Tong University



  • Ren Zhujing

    Vice Secretary of CPC SFL Committee
    Responsibilities: organization work, discipline inspection, personnel, publicity, united front work, retirement management work
    Email: maggie_rzj@sjtu.edu.cn
    Address: Room 213, School of Foreign Languages at Shanghai Jiao Tong University



  • Zhang Yifan

    Vice Secretary of CPC SFL Committee
    Responsibilities: student affairs
    Email: tigerbelle@sjtu.edu.cn
    Address: Room 211, School of Foreign Languages at Shanghai Jiao Tong University




  • Huan Changpeng

    Assistant to Dean of SFL

    Responsibilities: graduate education(including the language lab), graduate admission

    Email: huanchangpeng@sjtu.edu.cn
    Address: Room 219, School of Foreign Languages at Shanghai Jiao Tong University


  邮编:200240  网址:http://sfl.sjtu.edu.cn

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