
林铃 副教授
- 2015, 香港理工大学英文系,博士,应用语言学
- 2017-2018,英国伯明翰大学语料库研究中心,博士后
- 2015.01-2015.05,香港理工大学English Language Centre,香港理工、浸会、城大等跨校研究项目全职研究员
- 上海市晨光学者
- 上海市浦江学者
- 香港应用语言学学会Richard Pemberton Award最佳论文奖
- 上海市外文学会论文特等奖
- 上海市精品改革领航课程(主要参与人员)
- 全国高等学校外语课程思政教学比赛一等奖
- 上海交通大学教学成果奖二等奖
- 香港理工大学优秀博士论文
- 语料库语言学
- 专门(学术)用途英语研究
- 体裁分析
- 话语研究
- 国家社会科学基金青年项目“基于语类的英语局部语法研究”
- 上海市哲学社会规划项目“语料库驱动的多维度学术英语共现词列研究”
- 上海市浦江人才计划“语料库数据驱动的词性序列研究”
- 上海市晨光学者人才计划“英语学术论文导入部分的结构演变与多维分析:以土木工程和应用语言学为例”
- 上海交通大学校级新进青年教师启动计划 “基于语料库的学术论文体裁分析与转述动词研究”
- Lin, L.. Perspectives on the Introductory Phase of Empirical Research Articles: A Study of Rhetorical Structure and Citation Use. Springer.
- Lin, L., Mwinlaaru, I. N. & Tay, D. Approaches to Specialized Genres. Routledge.
- Towards a Part-of-Speech (PoS) gram approach to academic writing: A case study of research introductions in different disciplines. Lingua, 254(2), 1-18.
- “One Country, Two Systems”: A corpus-assisted discourse analysis of the politics of recontextualization in British, American and Chinese Newspapers. Critical Arts, 35(3), 1-18.
- “Corpus approaches to discourse: A critical review”. Applied Linguistics, 42(1), 198-202.
- Innovations in structuring article introductions: The case of applied linguistics. Ibérica, 28(2), 129-154.
- The use of reporting verbs in mechanical engineering articles: A cross-generic study. The Asian ESP Journal, 9(2), 75-98.
- Structural patterns in empirical research articles: A cross-disciplinary study. English for Specific Purposes, 31(3), 150-160.
- “English for academic purposes: Approaches and implications”. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 34(1), 112-114.
- Variability in the rhetorical structure of research article introductions: The case of civil engineering. Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics, 27(2), 405-432.
- Macro-structural development of empirical research articles in Applied Linguistics and Civil Engineering (1980-2010): Textual evidence and insider perspectives. In L. Lin, I. N. Mwinlaaru, & D. Tay (Eds.), Approaches to specialized genres: In memory of Stephen Evans, pp. 60-83. Routledge.
- Citation functions in the opening phase of research articles: A corpus-based comparative study. In B. Yang & W. Li (Eds.), Corpus-based approaches to grammar, media and health discourses, pp. 233-250. Springer.
- The use of reporting verbs in the introductory phase of research articles: A pedagogically-motivated study. In W. Feng, P. Lin, & D. Tay (Eds.), Rethinking ELT in higher education (pp. 56-76). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Press.
- 香港理工大学专门用途英语交际研究中心特邀研究员(2016-2019)
- 西班牙萨拉戈萨大学语言多样性科学研究国际学术委员会委员