汪玉霞 副教授
学术论文 (+ student author, * corresponding author)
- Wu, Z.X.+, & Wang, Y.X.* (2022). The role of social status information in irony comprehension: An eye-trackign study. Front. Psycho. 13:959397. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.959397. (SSCI)
- Wang, Y.X., Yang, X.H., Ding, H.W., Xu,C. & Liu, C. (2021). Aging effects on categorical perception of Mandarin lexical tones in noise. Journal of Speech, Language, & Hearing Research, 64(4): 1376-1389. (SSCI & SCI)
- Liu, C., Xu, C., Wang, Y.X. *, L.L. Xu, Hui Zhang, & X.H. Yang. (2021). Aging effect on Mandarin Chinese vowel and tone identification in six-talker babble. American Journal of Audiology. (SCI)
- Li, F., Hong, X.F., & Wang, Y.X. (2021). The N400 and Post-N400 Positivity Effect in Mandarin Classifier-Noun Congruence:An ERP Study. Journal of Neurolinguistics 57 :100958 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneuroling.2020.100958
Wang, Y.X., Lu, Z.Y.+, Yang, X.H., & Liu, C. (2019). Measuring Mandarin Speech Recognition Thresholds Using the Method of Adaptive Tracking. Journal of Speech, Language, & Hearing Research,62: 2009-2017 (SCI/SSCI).
汪玉霞、陈莉. (2019).中文焦点副词结构加工的眼动研究---兼与英文比较,《外语教学与研究》, 51(1), 44-56.(中文权威)
汪玉霞,杨小虎,刘畅. (2019). 噪音背景下老龄化对汉语语音感知的影响,《语言文字应用》, 109, 55-65. (CSSCI)
- 汪玉霞,谢金艳 (20191026). 句法约束还是近因约束---英语主谓一致的二语加工研究,《上海交通大学学报哲学社会科学版》,27(5):100-109.
杨小虎、赵勇、汪玉霞. (2018).中国大学生英语/e/-/A/发音与感知中的时长处理差异,《外语与外语教学》,299, 79-89.(CSSCI)
徐灿、杨小虎、汪玉霞、张辉、丁红卫、刘畅. (2018). 语音型噪音对二语者汉语元音声调感知的影响.《心理与行为研究》, 16(1), 22-30. (CSSCI)
Wang, Y.X. (2017). English Transitivity Alternation in Second Language Acquisition: An Attentional Approach. New York: Routledge. (Monograph)
Wang Y.X., Yang, X.H., & Liu, C. (2017). Categorical Perception of Mandarin Chinese Tones 1-2 and Tones 1-4: Effects of Aging and Signal Duration. Journal of Speech, Language, & Hearing Research,60(12), 3667-3677. (SCI/SSCI)
Wang Y.X., Yang, X.H., Zhang, H., Xu L.L.,Xu C., & Liu, C. (2017). Aging effect on categorical perception of Mandarin tones 2 and 3 and thresholds of pitch contour discrimination. The American Journal of Audiology, 26(1), 18-26. (SCI)
Wang, Y.X., & Yang, C.-L. (2017). Semantic processing: Anaphora & quantifier scope. Sybesma, R., Wolfgang, B., Gu, Y. G., Handel, Z., Huang, C-T., & Myers, J. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics (Volume 3 pp.676-684). Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands.
汪玉霞. (2017).句法和有生性在汉语反身代词实时理解中的作用---母语和二语研究.《语言教学与研究》,183, 25-35. (CSSCI)
汪玉霞. (2017). 语义约束还是句法约束------ 汉语简单和复合反身代词的母语加工研究. 《心理科学》, 40(3), 527-533.(CSSCI)
汪玉霞. (2017). 汉语简单和复合反身代词指代消解的眼动研究. 《上海交通大学学报哲学社会科学版》, 25(4), 97-106. (CSSCI)
Xu, L.L., Yang, X.H., Liu, C., & Wang, Y.X. (2016). Aging effect on categorical perception of Mandarin level-rising and level-falling tones. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (abstract), 140, 3449. (SCI)
Xu, C., Zhang, H., Wang, Y.X., & Ding, H.W. (2016). Informational masking of six-talker babble on Mandarin Chinese vowel and tone identification: Comparison between native Chinese and Korean listeners. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (abstract), 140, 3337. (SCI)
汪玉霞、常辉、陈莉. (2016). 焦点信息的在线加工研究, 《当代外语研究》, (6), 13-18.
Yang, X.H., Wang, Y.X., Xu. L., Zhang, H., Xu, C., & Liu, C.(2015). Aging effect on Mandarin Chinese vowel and tone identification. The Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, 138(4), EL411-416. (SSCI)
汪玉霞、杨小虎、陈莉.(2015).焦点对比项和对比命题加工的眼动研究,《上海交通大学学报哲学社会科学版》,23 (4),53-63.(CSSCI)
主持上海交通大学本科教学改革研究项目“混合式教学法在《英语语言学概论》中的研究与应用” 已结项。
主持上海交通大学文科科研创新计划项目“语篇中指代消解的在线加工---基于眼动研究的证据“ 已结项。
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