时间: 2016年3月28日(周一)上午10:00
报告人:Sue-Ann Harding教授,Hamad bin Kahlifa University, Qatar Foundation
题目:Writing and Publishing Academic Papers
摘要:Writing and publishing peer-reviewed academic papers is an essential part of academic life and currently still the main avenue for disseminating and responding to research. Yet, especially for new and emerging scholars, the processes of publishing and the expectations of editors often remain a mystery that need to be learned, often the hard way, through trial and error. Drawing from my own experience as an editor for St Jerome (Special Issue of The Translator 2010), New Voices in Translation Studies (IATIS), Routledge (Handbook of Translation and Culture, forthcoming) and the Reviews Editor for The Translator, this talk aims to dispel some of that mystery. From what happens when you submit a paper to working with editors and responding to peer-review, this talk covers topics such as what makes a good paper, ways to improve your writing, the issue of publishing in English, collaboration and co-authorship, and alternatives to the traditional models of academic publishing. It aims to inform new scholars and open up a space for questions and discussion.
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