
加拿大多伦多大学教授Alister Cumming学术讲座通知之二

发布时间:2015-05-29   阅读次数:-

加拿大多伦多大学教授Alister Cumming学术讲座通知之二

题目: Connecting writing assessments to teaching and learning: Distinguishing alternative purposes
讲座人:Alister Cumming

Eight conceptually-distinct options exist for relating assessments of writing to teaching and learning in programs of language education, each fulfilling different but interrelated purposes.  Assessment purposes may either be normative, formative, or summative. Eight established assessment practices related to writing curricula are: proficiency tests, curriculum standards, diagnostic assessments, formative feedback, dynamic assessment, final exams, records of progress, and grades. In educational practices these assessment options often converge, and their combinations may even be necessary to achieve effective instruction and program organization, but their purposes and conceptualizations are easily confused.  For these reasons, assessors, educators, and students need to distinguish the respective values, functions, and limitations of each assessment option so as to avoid confusing them when making particular policy and pedagogical decisions.

Alister Cumming教授简介:

Alister Cumming教授加拿大多伦多大学语言与语文教育研究中心教授。作为国际著名的英语教学、测试和二语写作专家,专家,Cumming教授享有很高的国际声誉。他的研究成果十分丰硕,发表过专著或书籍19本,同行评审刊物上发表论文近70篇。他国际学术期刊《语言学习》(Language Learning)执行主管,多家国际著名期刊编委(Assessing Writing:2002至今,Journal of Second Language Writing:1991至今,Language Testing:2000-2012,TESOL Quarterly:2002-2007)。他还曾于2006年至2011年任美国教育考试中心(ETS)托福考试委员会主席。2014年被北京外国语大学聘为长江学者讲座教授。


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