时间: 2014年4月27日(星期日)上午10:00
联系人:杨小虎 sfllab@126.com
主讲人: 吴芙芸 上海外国语大学
主讲人简介:吴芙芸,2009年美国南加州大学语言学系获博士学位,现为上海外国语大学语言研究院副研究员。主要研究兴趣为心理语言学(特别是成人句子加工)、语言习得。近期论文发表在Language, Cognition and Neuroscience、Language and Cognitive Processes、Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory、EUROSLA Yearbook、《当代语言学》、《外国语》、《外语教学与研究》、《语言科学》、《现代外语》等国内外学刊上。
报告2:Competing accounts of competition in visual word recognition
主讲人:乔晓妹 上海财经大学
摘要:Different models of visual word recognition assign different roles for competition. While competition did not play much role in Morton’s Logogen Model, or various versions of search models, it is essential for identification in Interactive Activation Models. It is therefore important to answer the questions such as whether there is competition or not in word recognition, what are the evidence for or against the argument, and whether there are alternative accounts to explain competition or competition-like phenomenon in word recognition. This mega-study examines five alternative accounts of competition based on the evidence from masked priming experiments. The Prime Lexicality Effect (PLE), an effect that is commonly explained by the mechanism of competition, will be examined with two series of experiments --- one about PLE at various prime durations, the other about PLE being used to investigate lexical acquisition. Results suggest that inhibition in masked priming cannot be consistently found in all experimental conditions, especially when the prime duration was short (e.g., 30ms). This supports the argument that inhibition is not essential for word identification, but non-inhibitory competition (such as PLE) might be a more principled account of form priming.
乔晓妹,美国亚利桑那大学第二语言习得与教学专业(SLAT)博士, 美国心理计量学会(Psychonomic Society)会员,阅读科学研究协会(Society for Scientific Study of Reading, SSSR)会员。现为上海财经大学外国语学院现代语言研究中心主任、外国语言学与应用语言学副教授、硕士生导师。主要研究兴趣包括词汇认知与识别、词汇习得、句子加工、第二语言加工和英语教学法等。在Cognition, Language & Cognitive Processes (现Language, Cognition and Neuroscience), Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Cognition and Memory (JEP:LMC), Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance (JEP: HPP)等SSCI上发表论文数篇。
报告3: 发音音系学视域下的语言比较研究
主讲人: 沈向荣 上海师范大学
摘要:音姿协调关系(gestural coordination)是发音音系学关注的主要问题,在不同语言之间有不同的表现。我们比较了唇音和鼻音在东西方一些语言中的发音音系学表现,发现了音节边界的类型差异,并且这一差异对语音的感知和演化诸多方面产生影响。
报告4: Asymmetries of Null Subjects and Null Objects in English and Japanese Speakers’ Chinese
主讲人:常辉 上海交通大学
摘要:This study investigated the use of Chinese null arguments by English- and Japanese-speaking learners with Chinese native speakers as a comparison group. The results showed asymmetries between null subjects and null objects with regard to their suppliance, referents and the effects of animacy. The learners dropped more subjects than objects; while null subjects were mainly animate, null objects were mainly inanimate; most of the null arguments occurred at the discourse level. Argument position and L2 proficiency, however, did not significantly affect the learners’ use of null arguments. It is argued that the Chinese input, the triggering role of expletive null subjects and the salient positions of subjects led to the asymmetric suppliance of Chinese null subjects and null objects, that omission of the first person singular pronouns was mainly responsible for animate null subjects, and that the pure syntax as well as the syntax-discourse interface could be acquired in L2.
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