J. R. Martin


Genre Studies. Vol. 3: Collected Works of J R Martin (Wang Zhenhua Ed.). Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press. 2012. ISBN 978-7-313-07702-8/H. [386pp]

Register Studies. Vol. 4: Collected Works of J R Martin (Wang Zhenhua Ed.). Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press. 2012. ISBN 978-7-313-07787-5/H [427pp]

Text Analysis. Vol. 5: Collected Works of J R Martin (Wang Zhenhua Ed.). Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press. 2012. ISBN 978-7-313-07758-5. 392pp. [392pp]

CDA/PDA. Vol. 6: Collected Works of J R Martin (Wang Zhenhua Ed.). Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press. 2012. ISBN 978-7-313-07793-6. [425pp]

Language in Education. Vol. 7: Collected Works of J R Martin (Wang Zhenhua Ed.). Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press. 2012. ISBN 978-7-313-07759-2. [465pp]

Forensic Linguistics. Vol. 8: Collected Works of J R Martin (Wang Zhenhua Ed.). Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press. 2012. ISBN 978-7-313-07760-8. [306pp]

Learning to Write, Reading to Learn: genre, knowledge and pedagogy in the Sydney School (David Rose & J R Martin) London: Equinox. 2012. [357pp] [Swedish translation K Alden Skriva, Läsa - Lära: genre, kunskap och pedagogic. Stockholm: Hallgren & Fallgren. 2013] [Spanish translation in preparation]

Reading Visual Narratives: image analysis of children’s picture books (Clare Painter, J R Martin & Len Unsworth) London: Equinox. 2013. [186pp]

Systemic Functional Grammar: a next step into the theory – axial relations. (J R Martin; Chinese translation and extensions by Wang Pin & Zhu Yongsheng). Beijing: Higher Education Press. 2013. [ISBN 978-7-04-037518-3] [227pp] [Portuguese translation in preparation]

Systemic Functional Discourse Analysis. A Duszak & G Kowalski [Eds.] Cracow: Universitas [Systemowo-funkcjonalna analiza dyskursu. Polish translation of E5, Chapter 2 of A9, E76, D39, E78 below] 2013.

Appliable Linguisics and English Language Teaching: the Scaffolding Literacy in Adult and Tertiary Environments (SLATE) project. (S Dreyfus, S Humphrey, J R Martin & S Mahboob). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. in press for 2015.

Discourse and Diversionary Justice: an analysis of ceremonial redress in Youth Justice Conferencing (M Zappavigna, J R Martin & P Dwyer). London: Palgrave Macmillan. In preparation for 2015.

2)Edited books

Interviews with Michael Halliday: language turned back on himself  (Ed. J R Martin). London: Bloomsbury. 2013.

Cumulative Knowledge-building in Secondary Schooling. (Eds. J R Martin & K Maton) Special issue of Linguistics and Education. 24.1. 2013.

Grammatics (Eds. J R Martin & Yaegan Doran) London: Routledge (Critical Concepts in Linguistics: Systemic Functional Linguistics, Vol. 1). in press for 2015.

SFL Grammatical Descriptions (Eds. J R Martin & Yaegan Doran) London: Routledge (Critical Concepts in Linguistics: Systemic Functional Linguistics, Vol. 2). in press for 2015.

SFL Around grammar: phonology, discourse semantics and multimodality (Eds. J R Martin & Yaegan Doran) London: Routledge (Critical Concepts in Linguistics: Systemic Functional Linguistics, Vol. 3). in press for 2015.

SFL Context: register and genre (Eds. J R Martin & Yaegan Doran) London: Routledge (Critical Concepts in Linguistics: Systemic Functional Linguistics, Vol. 4). in press for 2015.

SFL Language in Education (Eds. J R Martin & Yaegan Doran) London: Routledge (Critical Concepts in Linguistics: Systemic Functional Linguistics, Vol. 5). in press for 2015.

3)Journal articles

Heart from darkness: apocalypse Ron. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 65 November 2012 (Special issue on The Evaluative Uses of Language: the appraisal framework). 2012. 67-99.

Embedded literacy: knowledge as meaning. Linguistics and Education 24.1 (Special Issue ‘Cumulative knowledge-building in secondary schooling.’ edited by J R Martin & K Maton). 2013. 23-37.

Time travel: the role of temporality in semantic waves in secondary school teaching (E Matruglio, K Maton & J R Martin). Linguistics and Education 24.1 (Special Issue ‘Cumulative knowledge-building in secondary schooling.’ edited by J R Martin & K Maton). 2013. 38-49.

Jointly constructing semantic waves: implications for teacher training. (L Macnaught, K Maton, J R Martin & E Matruglio). Linguistics and Education 24.1 (Special Issue ‘Cumulative knowledge-building in secondary schooling.’ edited by J R Martin & K Maton). 2013. 50-63,

Pedagogic discourse: contexts of schooling (D Rose & J R Martin) RASK International Journal of Language and Communication. (Special issue in honour of Cark Bache 2013. 1-46.

On evolving SFL – beyond the clause: interviewing Professor J R Martin. Journal of Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies (School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiaotong University). 10. 2013. 1-12.

Youth Justice Conferencing: ceremonial redress. (J R Martin & M Zappavigna) International Journal of Law, Language and Discourse. 2013. 143-142.

Mater Dolorosa: negotiating support in NSW Youth Justice Conferencing. in press International Journal for the Semiotics of Law DOI 10.1007/s11196-013-9340-y (Special Issue ‘Fresh Waters from an Old Spring: the semiotics of restorative justice, Recognizing harm and healing communities anew with old ways’ edited by J B Hamlin). 2014.

Looking out: functional linguistics and genre. Linguistics and the Human Sciences 9.2. 2014. 303-317.

Modelling and mentoring: the yin and yang of teaching and learning from home through school. DELTA - Documentação de Estudos em Linguistica Teorica e Aplicada. xx: xx. in press for 2014.

Evolving Systemic Functional Linguistics: beyond the clause. Functional Linguistics 1.3. 2014. xx-xx.

Interviews with J R Martin. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. in press.

Teaching/learning: the yin and yang of language development from home through school. Peng, X W & J Webster [Eds.] Linguistics and the Human Sciences in press.

4)Book Chapters

Intermodal complementarity: modelling affordances across verbiage and image in children’s picture books (C Painter & J R Martin). Studies in Systemic Functional Linguistics and Discourse Analysis (III). Beijing: Higher Education Press. 2012. 132-158.

Beyond redemption: choice and consequence in Youth Justice Conferencing. (J R Martin & M Zappavigna) Fang Yan & J Webster [Eds.] Developing Systemic Functional Linguistics: theory and application. London: Equinox. 2014. 18-47 [reprinted in Forensic Linguistics 2012. 227-257]

Writing and genre studies. C A Chapelle [Ed.] The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford :Wiley-Blackwell. 2012. [reprinted in Language in Education 2012. 411-420]

Recontextualising Indigenous culture: genres, interests and multimodal affordances in children's picture books (J R Martin & D Rose). [in CDA/PDA 2012. 377-391]

Lexical cohesion, field and genre. Genre Studies. Vol. 3: Collected Works of J R Martin (Wang Zhenhua Ed.). Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press. 2012. 31-64.

Writing science: the model. Register Studies (Vol. 4: Collected Works of J R Martin edited by Wang Zhenhua Ed.). Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press. 2012. 139-171.

Modelling context: matter as meaning. C Gouveia & M Alexandre [Eds.] Languages, metalanguages, modalities, cultures: functional and socio-discursive perspectives. Lisbon: BonD & ILTEC. 2013. 10-64.

SFL. M Hawkins [Ed.] Framing Languages and Literacies: socially situated views and perspectives. London: Routledge. 2013. 24-51.

Revisiting mode: context in/dependency in Ancient History classroom discourse. (J R Martin & E Matruglio) Huang Guowen, Zhang Delu & Yang Xinzhang [Eds.] Studies in Functional Linguistics and Discourse Analysis V. Beijing: Higher Education Press. 2013. 72-95. [revised for Spanish translation; Onomázein in press for 2014]

Intervening in contexts of schooling (D Rose & J R Martin) J Flowerdew [Ed.] Discourse in Context: comtemporary applied linguistics. London: Bloomsbury. 2014. 447-475.

Consent and compliance in Youth Justice Conferences. (M Zappavigna, P Dwyer & J R Martin) D Eades, S Erhlich & J Ainsworth [Eds.] Coercion and consent in the legal system: Discursive and linguistic perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press. in press.

Modelling and mentoring: teaching and learning from home through school. (J R Martin & C M I M Matthiessen) A Mahboob & L Barratt [Eds.] Englishes in Multilingual Contexts: language variation and education. London: Springer (Multilingual Education). 2014. 137-163.

Scaffolding semogenesis: designing teacher/student interactions for face-to-face and on-line learning (S Dreyfus & J R Martin) S Starc, A Maiorani & C Jones [Eds.] Meaning Making in Text: multimodal and multilingual functional perspectives. London: Palgrave. in press.

LCT and systemic functional linguistics: complementary approaches for greater explanatory power (J R Martin & Erika Matruglio) K Maton, S Hood & S Shay [Eds.] Knowledge-building: educational studies in legitimation code theory. London: Routledge. in press.

Halliday the grammarian: axial foundations. J J Webster [Ed.] The Bloomsbury Companion to M A K Halliday. London: Bloomsbury. in press.

One of three traditions: genre, functional linguistics and the ‘Sydney School’. Artemeva, N. & Freedman, A. [Eds.]. Trends and traditions in genre studies. /working title/. Alberta, Canada: press.

Teaching/learning SFL in China. J J Webster [Ed.] SFL in China. London: Bloomsbury. in press.

Attitudinal relations: continuing the study of lexis. Estudos e pesquisas em Linguistica Sistêmico Funcional. Sao Paulo: Mercade de Letras. in press.

Exploring content: building knowledge in school discourse. L T Lai, A Mahboob & P Wang [Eds.] xxxx. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. in press.