Appliable Linguistics Seminar (4)
[Seminar on Language Science and System Science (70)]
Time: 16:00, 26 Nov 2014
Venue: #313, School of Foreign Languages
Speaker: Tian Huajing
Title: The Generic Study of Chinese Criminal Judgments under the Perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics
Abstract: As the genre with the goal of persuasion, criminal judgments have the particular particulate、prosodic and periodic structures. This paper tries to explore the influence of these generic structures on the persuasiveness. Through the qualitative analysis of the annotated data, first the generic features of criminal judgments are summarized and then the generic meaning model is constructed. It finds that the selection of the different generic resources aims to facilitate the goal of persuasion.
Key Words: Chinese criminal judgments; genre; particulate structure;prosodic structure;periodic structure;goal of persuasion
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