摘 要:认知语义密度的浓缩与累积是文学批评理论以及其它各学科建构与发展学科知识体系的主要机制之一。本研究基于小型语料库,语义密度的连句工具,结合功能语言学的语言描写来分析文学批评理论的语义密度浓缩机制。结果表明,文学批评理论话语中,垂直型连句机制比例很低,用于浓缩前段或段内前句的语义并转移集成于后段或后句,在较低程度上提升了话语语义密度并形成累积性较低的垂直语义结构。水平型连句机制比例较高,明晰地表述句间的转折、条件、因果等语义关系,增加了段内语义密度,但其语义浓缩和累积的功能不强。间隔型连句机制比例很高,占近六成,但只能通过保持句间话题、述题的连续性或者简单接续来表明模糊的句间语义关系,因而呈现的句间语义密度低,语义浓缩能力也很低。从连句机制的总体趋势来看,文学批评理论话语能在较低程度上形成累积型的层级语义结构,但其语义结构总体呈现出很强的片段性,表现出鲜明的横向性知识结构特征。
The Epistemic Semantic Density of Literary Theory
LAI Liangtao
(Martin Centre for Appliable Linguistics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Abstract: The cumulative condensation of epistemic semantic density is fundamental for the construction and development of the knowledge system of a discipline. This paper presents a corpus-based study of the condensation of the epistemic semantic density of literary theory by employing the sequencing tool of LCT and the language description of SFL. The result shows that in literary theory, vertical sequencing, accounting for a very small proportion, is used to condense the meanings in the previous passage or meanings of the previous sentences and integrate them into the following passage or sentence, which raises the semantic density of the discourse to a low extent and helps create a vertical knowledge structure with a low degree of semantic accumulation. Horizontal sequencing accounts for a larger proportion, explicitly presenting the logic relation between sentences and thus raising the intra-passage semantic density, but only with a weak function of semantic condensation and accumulation. Compartmental sequencing, accounting for nearly sixty percent of all sequencing resources, only shows vague inter-sentence relation by showing the topic-comment continuity and low degree of coherence between sentences, and thus only shows low semantic density and very weak function of semantic condensation. Overall, the discourse of literary theory is able to form a cumulative hierarchical knowledge structure to a low extent, but its knowledge structure is predominantly segmental and characteristically horizontal.
Keywords: literary theory; epistemic semantic density; sequencing tool; knowledge structure