Prof. Boping Yuan from the School of Foreign Languages Makes the List of Elsevier 2023 Highly Cited Chinese Researchers




Prof. Boping Yuan from the School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University made the list of Highly Cited Chinese Researchers in the field of Foreign Languages and Literature when Elsevier released its 2023 list of Highly Cited Chinese Researchers on March 27, 2024.

The 2023 list of "Highly Cited Chinese Researchers" includes 5,801 scholars from 496 universities, enterprises and research institutes, covering 84 first-level disciplines in 10 subject areas of the Ministry of Education, among which 34 scholars in the discipline of foreign languages and literature are listed.

Released by Elsevier, a prestigious information analysis company, the list uses Scopus, the world's authoritative citation and indexing database, as the statistical source of Chinese scholars' scientific research achievements, and adopts the methodology developed by Shanghai Softech Educational Information and Consulting Co., Ltd. to analyze the current situation of scientific research talents in depth from multiple dimensions, and to systematically display their scientific research achievements. The list is dedicated to comprehensively displaying the distribution of talents in China's scientific research field, accurately presenting the composition of superior disciplines and their academic influence in each institution and university, as well as the top talents in key technology research and each key area.


Profile of Prof. Boping Yuan

Prof. Boping Yuan is a Distinguished Professor of Linguistics at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, PhD supervisor at the University of Cambridge, Fellow of Churchill College, University of Cambridge, Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Second Language Studies (John Benjamins). He also serves on the editorial boards of several national and international journals, including Second Language Research, International Review of Applied Linguistics, Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Lingua, Foreign Language Teaching and Research, Chinese Teaching in the World, Modern Foreign Languages and so on.  He is the executive director of the International Society for Chinese Language Teaching (ISCLT) and the vice president of the Language Theory and Language Education Research Branch of ISCLT. 

His research interests include bilingual and multilingual acquisition within the framework of theoretical linguistics and bilingualism and human health. He has published more than 80 papers in international academic journals and key Chinese academic journals, including: Language, Linguistics, Transactions of the Philological Society, Second Language Research, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, Language Learning, International Review of Applied Linguistics, EUROSLA Yearbook, International Journal of Bilingualism, Lingua, Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, Foreign Language Teaching and Research, Chinese Teaching in the World, Modern Foreign Languages. He has compiled two English-Chinese and Chinese-English dictionaries (Oxford University Press). His monograph Interlanguage Grammars of Mandarin Chinese will soon be published by Cambridge University Press.

Copyright: 2013 School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiaotong University cross ICP No. 2010919

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