SFL Students Share Experience of Studying Abroad


On the evening of December 17, 2023, the Sixth Faculty and Staff Branch of the Party Committee of the School of Foreign Languages, together with the Undergraduate Joint Party Branch, and with the support of the Student Affairs Office, the Japanese Department and the German Department, held the "Study Abroad Experience Sharing and Exchange Meeting". Four undergraduates from the Japanese and German Departments introduced their experience of studying abroad and shared their lives with the junior students. The event was shared online through Tencent Conference, which was hosted by two students from Undergraduate Joint Party Branch, Zhao Jiadong and Wang Chenkai.
Chen Nuo, an undergraduate student of the Japanese Department of Grade 2021 studying in Kyoto University, firstly introduced the exchange program, and also the matters related to the scholarships application, courses selection, as well as the life of studying abroad in Japan, including food, clothing, housing and transportation, reminding the younger students to be well-prepared before departure. After that, he also shared the characteristic campus life, such as luncheon, campus festival and club activities.


Yin Fangjia, an undergraduate student of the Japanese Department of Grade 2021, shared his experience of studying in Nagoya, Japan during his high school exchange program, that was, rich academic life and colorful club activities. Mr. Yin Fangjia told his classmates about the interesting things during the room-sharing period and the stories with the host family members and classmates, showing that despite the different cultural backgrounds, deep friendships can be formed through sincere interaction and mutual respect.


Zhang Zhuyin, an undergraduate student of the German Department from Grade 2021 who is currently on exchange at the University of Munich in Germany, firstly introduced the classification of exchange programs, including faculty exchange programs and inter-university exchange programs. She shared the key points of the exchange application and the precautions to be taken when making an appointment, and also summarized the tips on choosing courses, curricula, types of exams and language classes, as well as the insights and feelings about travel, food, sports and all aspects of life.


Zhao Jialu, an undergraduate student from the German Department from Grade 2020, had spent a semester in Munich University on exchange. Drawing upon her own experience, she gave an introduction to going to Germany for exchange, including course differentiation, credits transfer, and score calculation etc. Through the four key words of "Safety", "Feelings", "Visions" and "Dream Fulfillment", Zhao Jialu combined with her own experience to show the younger students the importance of studying abroad. Showing the richness of exchange life, she advised them to actively integrate into the classroom and make progress in the practice of cross-cultural exchange.


After the sharing of the four students, teachers and students carried out extensive and in-depth exchanges. Mr. Chen Yunhao, who is studying in Tohoku University in Japan, shared his unique experience in cross-cultural communication, and reminded students that Japan attached importance to email communication and how to deal with the problem of different transportation cards in different areas. Mr. Ding Jian, the Party Secretary of the School of Foreign Languages, and the teachers of the Sixth Faculty and Staff Party Branch of the School of Foreign Languages listened to the wonderful sharing of the students. Mr. Ding Jian also shared the information about the China-Japan Bridge Club with the students, providing them with valuable opportunities and experiences. Ms. Li Siqi from the Sixth Faculty and Staff Branch answered the questions and reminded the students to be well-prepared before the trip. Wang Lin, the secretary of the Sixth Faculty and Staff Branch, summarized the activity, thanked the sharing seniors for their careful preparation, and hoped that the participating students could learn from their experiences and make good plans for their future studies.

Copyright: 2013 School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiaotong University cross ICP No. 2010919

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